Tonya is the Office Manager Carrie has worked at the Carla is a assistant and
at the clinic. She has worked clinic for almost 2 years and has worked here for over
here for over 12 years. Tonya she is the morning receptionist. 1 year. Carla is married
is married and has 10 cats. Carrie is a single mom with a son and has 2 cairn terriers,
named, Cameron. She has 2 cats named Jordan and Nikki.
and a rat named mouse that her
son named.
Camille has worked here for Alma is our evening
2 years and she is a receptionist/ assistant and she has
assistant. Camille has 5 cats and worked here for 2 years.
is attending JCC, with future plans Alma has one cat named,
to go to vet school. Buddy. Alma is going to
UofL with plans to teach.